Online Arguments

Online Arguments

Why did you choose this online argument for your assignment?

(Scan the QR Code on the right to see the online argument)

This argument reflects the competitive and passionate nature of sports discussions, often prone to heated debates. Controversies around cheating accusations and questioning an athlete's skills are common in sports discussions, attracting lots of attention and engagement online.

Provide three negative examples and concerns you have with this online argument.

1. Some individuals made unsubstantiated claims about cheating without concrete evidence, potentially hurting the athlete's reputation unfairly.
For instance, a comment made by anonymous account mentioned that Max is a cheater without providing any forms of evidence.

2. Arguments developed into personal attacks on fans or the athlete, leading to toxicity and hostility within the discussion.

3. Participants did not think about the impact of their words, failing to empathize with the athlete's efforts and the effect of their words on other mental well-being. For example, one participant commented "He's in a cheated car. He's not special."

Five rules to argue online correctly

1. Always use respectful language.

2. Base arguments on facts, evidence, and reliable sources rather than opinions.

3. Consider the impact of your words on others, especially when discussing sensitive topics. 

4. Offer criticism constructively, focusing on the issue rather than attacking the person.

5. Be openminded, acknowledging that others might have valid viewpoints. 


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